




大家好!我是江西省南昌市西湖区人民政府区长黄小燕,今天我要介绍我的家乡南昌西湖。西湖位于赣江之滨、鄱阳湖畔,被称为赣鄱明珠,是江西省会南昌市的中心城区,素来有 " 千年南昌看西湖 " 的美誉。


Hello, everyone. I am Huang Xiaoyan, head of the Xihu District People ’ s Government in Nanchang. Today, I am glad to recommend to you my hometown, Xihu in Nanchang. Xihu District, located near the Ganjiang River and the Poyang Lake, is the central area of Nanchang, capital city of east China ’ s Jiangxi province. Xihu is known as "Nanchang in Miniature", acclaimed as the "Pearl of Jiangxi".

Next, I ’ ll show you around Xihu.

现在我所在的位置是南昌著名的万寿宫历史文化街区的一栋建筑内,万寿宫文化街区有许多像这样独具特色的传统赣派建筑 , 历史非常悠久、保存最为完整,大家跟我一起去看看。

Now I am in the building of the Wanshou Palace Historic and Cultural Neighborhood, where stand numerous well-preserved Jiangxi-style buildings of this kind with a long history and unique features. Please join me and have a look.

万寿宫,也称江西会馆,是为纪念 " 福主 " 许真君而建的,在全世界有 1000 多所,而西湖区的铁柱万寿宫正是它们的祖庭,也是江西会馆文化的发源地。万寿宫历史文化街区是一条融历史宗教、文化艺术、旅游观光为一体的南昌特色老街,现在正在逐步的改建当中。而就是在这里,您可以聆听 " 许真君铁柱锁蛟龙 " 的动人传说,品西湖区的千年文化底蕴!

Wanshou Palace, also known as Jiangxi Guild, was established in honor of Xu Zhenjun, the "Master of Blessing" and Taoist priest living more than 1,600 years ago. In addition, over 1000 buildings of this kind are found all over the world.The Iron Pillar Wanshou Place in Xihu is their forerunner, and birthplace of Jiangxi guild culture. The neighborhood, featuring history and religion, culture and art, and sightseeing, is under renovation.Here you can hear the moving legend of Xu Zhenjun ’ s "locking the dragon around the iron pillar", and savour cultural charm of thousands of years in Xihu.

逛完万寿宫,现在我们来到了绳金塔。绳金塔始建于 1100 多年前的唐朝,由于过去蛟龙水患,所以它也是南昌人的镇城之宝。而这里呢,也因悠久的历史、独特的景观和丰富的美食而出名,重现了千年金塔和百年商街的繁荣景象。

After touring Wanshou Palace, now we have come to Shengjin Tower.The tower,built in the Tang Dynasty more than 1100 years ago, was the guardian of Nanchang people against flooding,as legend has it that dragons used to create flooding here. The place is famous for its long history, distinctive landscape,

and rich food.The prosperity has been reproduced of the millennial Tower and the age-old commercial street.

新打造的绳金塔美食街,全长 660 米,在这里,你可以看到 60 多家全国各地的知名小吃,体验南昌特色和赣鄱文化。每逢节庆假日,还可以观看以绳金塔为核心的庙会活动,这不仅是南昌市民最隆重的传统民俗,更是西湖区对外交往的舞台,而西湖在未来,更是无可限量。

The newly-built Shengjin Tower Food Street, with a total length of 660 meters, is where you can feast on a great variety of brand snacks from all over China, and experience unique charm of Nanchang and Jiangxi culture. On festivals and holidays, you can also appreciate temple fair activities with Shengjin Tower as the core. And this is not only the most popular traditional folk custom for locals, but also the stage for international contact in Xihu District, whose prosperous future knows no bounds.

朋友们,现在我们在西湖区沿江总部经济带,它位于西湖区赣江东岸,从北至南依江而建,汇聚了 " 天时地利人和 ",是整个江西省档次最高、前景最好的总部经济集聚区。

Dear friends, now we are in the Xihu Headquarters Economic Belt along the GanjiangRiver. It is located on the east bank of the Ganjiang River, and built along the river from north to south, featuring good timing,geographicalconvenience and harmonious human relations. It is the highest-class and most promising cluster of headquarters economy in Jiangxi province.

这里拥有新力中心、皇冠国际商务广场等标志性商务楼宇 9 栋,以及西湖万达等一批大型商业综合体,是海内外知名企业设立总部经济机构的首选地。作为中心城区,西湖区三产发达、商贸旺盛,已经荣获 "2018 年中国楼宇经济最具投资价值城区 ""2018 年中国楼宇十大经济活力城区 "。

It boasts nine landmark commercial buildings,such as Sinic Center, Crown International Business Plaza, and a large number of large-scale commercial complexes, such as Xihu Wanda. It is a leading destination for well-known enterprises at home and abroad to set up headquarters economic institutions. As a central urban area, Xihu District is a powerhouse for tertiary industry and trade, awarded the "2018 China's Most Economically Valuable District in the Building Economy" and "China's Top Ten Economically Vibrant District in 2018".


Now we are at the Nanchang Overseas Chinese Town Large-scale Cultural Tourism Comprehensive Project, our last leg. It is a milestone project with the largest investment and the best-quality commercial formats in our district. Here you will intoxicate in the world-class waterfront entertainment.

综合项目中最引人注目的华侨城玛雅乐园,是南昌市唯一的中国新升级的第五代沉浸式主题公园,也是目前国内占地面积最大的湖畔主题乐园。乐园中打造了玛雅丛林文化、欧洲探险文化主题园区;有超高景观地标玛雅山,有全球第一的 " 双大踏浪 + 超级大喇叭 " 双重组合,还有全球第二台亚马逊蛇王竞速滑道。心动不如行动,赶紧来体验吧。

Paradise Maya, a highlight of the comprehensive project, is Nanchang's only newly upgraded fifth-generation immersive theme park in China, and also the largest lakeside theme park in China. The park is built in the fashion of Mayan jungle and European adventure culture. You can treat yourself to the Maya Mountain, wave-riding, and slide-playing. Action speaks louder than words. Let ’ s go.


Today ’ s Xihu is beautiful and fascinating far and wide. Being ideal for work and living, it promises a prosperous future. People can enjoy a successful career and happy life, and would like to settle down here. Dear friends, open, inclusive, magnificent and beautiful Xihu is warmly looking forward to your presence.

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