Jiangxi Opens Psychological Counseling for Foreigners Duringthe Pneumonia Epidemic

Jiangxi Opens Psychological Counseling for Foreigners Duringthe Pneumonia Epidemic


Whenconfronted with the sudden outbreak of pneumoniaepidemic, an optimistic mind is the “spiritual vaccine” for preventing and controlling the epidemic. In order to better serve the foreigners studying and working in Jiangxi Province, the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Jiangxi Provinceisjoining handswith Jiangxi Normal University to carry outapublic welfare service of Internet psychological counseling, with an aim to providing help in addressing the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)with arational and peaceful mentality, maintaining positive, stable and optimistic emotions, and increasing confidencein the Chinese governmentof winningthe battle of preventionand controlofthe epidemic.

Service Object:Foreigners studying and working in Jiangxi Province

Service Time:09:00-12:00


Service Team:Clinical and Health Team of the School of Psychology, Jiangxi Normal University which boasts professors with abundant experience in counseling and qualified graduate students.

Service Mode:Internet counseling hotlines to provide one-on-one psychological counseling service for the foreigners studying and working in Jiangxi Province.

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